Sacred Alabaster Hope

The Packers and Lucky Charms

He could find shalom in a linoleum floor,
A small intervention for ubiquitous poor,
An act of love, not serendipity–
Holistic healing synchronicity
From marred identity and lack of voice;
The poor restored freely rejoice,
Breaking the silence of oppression,
Waking from slumber of past depression,
Seeing the God of endless affection
Give gifts to His children: grace, peace, and direction.



Up, up ,up, up, up
Hope is an elevator–
Ride, escape despair!


Loose Change

I turned over a new leaf
Which was attached to a branch
Linked to a trunk
Rooted in the ground
The cold dark earth
The warm light earth
Where used to reside the roots
Linked to a trunk
Attached to a branch
That held a leaf
Which turned me under

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Because Russ L asked

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