Angry Sushi

Raised lip, he looked
Like a hooked fish
Uncooked, so raw.

Put Him in the Blender

Splendid Blended Memories

Swing-set kickball fun,
“Sweet nibblets are not a waste!”;
Ant pants trouser spin.

Written for The Haiku Challenge 2012 – Day 10 – February 10th – Theme: Write a Haiku describing about a Special day in your life…

The Teddy Bears are Having a Picnic

There once were some kids at a table
To which weird was an accurate label:
They laughed ’til they cried;
Their parents all sighed,
“I hope that they’re mentally stable!”

Simone’s Posies

Simone has a pocket full of posies.
Simone has a whole dress full of posies.
Once in a blue moon
Simone will find a worthy opponent
And give him posies.

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